Florida – Walt Disney World Marathon

MarathonMedals40036-442-025fThe Walt Disney World Marathon is near and dear to my heart.  What began as a “one and done” bucket list challenge, has turned into an annual pilgrimage to “The World.”  I knew that I wanted to run a marathon “some day,” but it wasn’t until I learned of the Walt Disney World Marathon, did “some day” turn into January 11, 2009.

What hooked me was the promise of running through all four parks of Walt Disney World.  What keeps me coming back is running up Main Street, U.S.A., through Cinderella Castle, riding Expedition Everest during a marathon, running the bases at ESPN Wide World of Sports, running through the Streets of America and rounding the corner at Spaceship Earth to the music of a Gospel choir!  It the risk of sounding cliche, it IS magical!

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