Breast Cancer at 41 – My Revised Bucket List

In the Amazon visit a local tribe, Peru 1985?

In the Amazon visiting a local tribe, Peru 1985?

There’s something about getting cancer that puts your whole world into perspective. Instead of dreaming about doing something, you now realize that you SHOULD never take a day for granted and figure HOW to MAKE things happen instead of only DREAMING about them.

A few years ago I wrote a bucket list. Surprisingly, there weren’t a lot of items on my bucket list because I have had quite a few amazing opportunities like walking on a glacier, starting my own business, earning my MBA, seeing the Great Wall of China, and flying in a hot air balloon just to name a few.

So I decided that it was time to put pen to paper and write my updated list and here it is:

  1. Learn how to scuba dive with my daughter

    At the Great Wall of China 1988 (I'm taking the photo)

    At the Great Wall of China 1988 (I’m taking the photo)

  2. Attend NYC Fashion Week
  3. Attend the Oscars and walk the red carpet
  4. Write and publish a book that people want to read
  5. Climb El Captain and Half Dome in Yosemite
  6. Finish visiting all the US National Parks
  7. Complete 1 full marathon in every State by age 50 (9 completed)
  8. Complete all 5 of the World Marathon Majors (2 completed working on Boston next)
  9. Complete an Ironman 70.3 and 140.6 by age 45
  10. Eat at Club 33 in Disneyland  completed 11/2014
  11. Sleep in Cinderella Castle

    Dog Sledding in the Summer, Alaska 2002

    Dog Sledding in the Summer, Alaska 2002

  12. Complete the Dole Pineapple Maze on Oahu
  13. Tour the Vatican
  14. Explore the catacombs in Paris
  15. Take an African safari
  16. Win The Amazing Race
  17. Then win Dancing with the Stars (Z-list of course)
  18. Run the Inca trail
  19. Attend the Olympic Games
  20. Show my dog at Westminster Kennel Club
  21. Go cross country skiing
  22. Sky dive
  23. Bungee jump
  24. Ride a mechanical bull
  25. Go paintballing
  26. Learn how to ride a horse
  27. Go to Carnival in Rio
  28. Attend Mardi Gras

    Volcano's National Park, June 2000

    Volcano’s National Park, June 2000

  29. Learn how to surf
  30. Visit Easter Island
  31. Visit Auschwitz
  32. Finish a century bike ride
  33. Compete in a Tough Mudder or Spartan Race
  34. Visit all the Disney Parks
  35. Go to the Superbowl

Any of these on your bucket list?  What’s on your bucket list that you are completing in 2014?

Hall of Mirrors, Palace of Versailles 2002

Hall of Mirrors, Palace of Versailles 2002

10 Comments on “Breast Cancer at 41 – My Revised Bucket List”

  1. I have to admit I totally chuckled that you specified not just “write & publish a book” but added “that people want to read”!

    This is such an amazing list of things and you certainly seem determined enough to accomplish them! I for some reason have in my head that I’d love to do an Ironman one day, but seeing as I haven’t even done any triathlon yet I’m clearly not on my way to making it a reality! Hopefully soon!


  2. Awesome bucket list! I especially love your goal of winning the Amazing Race. I love watching that show and often think about how awesome it would be to be able to participate in such an incredible race and journey.


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